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It's amazing how intoxicating Peace can be.  When I say that absolutely Nothing was happening in my World-and I couldn't be happier.  My friends were currently tired of me dishing out the exact same advice, "be honest about how you feel" at the moment.  Eh, that's literally the root of every single problem ya'll are currently facing.   My family had even gotten hip to the fact that I was no longer simply saying 'yes' to any and all requests, so they really didn't have shit to say to me😂.  People have a tendency to keep their distance-and their business to themselves if you're not vested in what they have going on; more so if you aren't miserable and willing to commiserate...I'm MORE than OK with that.  As the Summer crept on, I found it harder to sleep straight through the night.  This wasn't anything new, I sometimes experience a little seasonal insomnia from time to time.  It had just begun to rain as I opened my eyes.  I had no idea what time it was, but if the sky was any indication, it was after 2am.  My first instinct was to stay still; hoping to quickly fall back asleep.  After several minutes of lying there with my eyes tightly shut with no success, I finally sat up.  The moon was full and high, illuminating the dim street.  I lit a candle and grabbed my electric kettle.  Maybe a little chamomile tea sprinkled with lavender will do the trick-right along side a joint😊.  I sat on the edge of the bed, neatly folding the center of the thin joint paper.  As I filled my kettle with water , I thought about all the possibilities for the rest of the night-now that I was wide awake.  Lost in thought, my phone began to ring, scaring the shit out of me...

"So is this our new thing, if we're not in bed together, then we up on the phone in the middle of the night?!"  I asked upon answering.  "Well, I told you I wanted you next to me every night, so if I can't sleep, it's all your fault!"  Landon said.  "Besides, you sound wide awake, you were waiting for my call."  He wasn't wrong, I was thrilled to hear his voice.  "So what's up, wyd Baby?"  "The usual, making tea, tryna get comfortable so I can read."  I responded, switching off the kettle as it whistled; shining bright blue light from its base.  "Aight, bet.  I'm about to fix myself some ice cream and a honey bun...then Ima get comfortable too.  What are we reading?"  Landon asked.  " The Alchemist -wait WE?!"  I shot back incredulously.  "Yeah.  Read to Me."  I smiled.  This is as good as it gets without him being here in the physical.  After about halfway through chapter 4, I paused to hit my joint-pink of course!  Landon's breathing was slow, deep, and steady; he was completely relaxed.  It always had a dopamine effect on me, and quiet calm was overtaking me.  "Goodnight Love".  I whispered softly.  "I'm still here, keep reading." Landon audibly mumbled.  "Tomorrow.  Let's make this one a slow burn; trust me, I don't think you want any parts of Pride &Prejudice!  Besides, you sound ready to lay down!"  I said.  "What about you, what are you about to do?  Are you ready to go down too?!"  He asked.  "I am.  I'm gonna finish my joint, and I'm right behind you.  Your breathing always gets me right😍!"  "Aw, anytime baby," I could hear the smile in his voice.  "I love being able to give you exactly what you need.  Goodnight, I'll call you in the morning..."

I woke up the next day full of energy and ready for whatever-except bullshit.  The Universe was like, "Nah Nigga, avoid it at All costs; we got shit to do!"  The sun was shining; it was a gorgeous 82 degrees outside,  and the wind was moving artistically through the leaves of the trees.  Each one moved independently, as if swaying to a song only they could hear.  I was having a moment of profound gratitude; simply grateful to just BE.  As I sat on my porch gazing out at Richmond, I thought about how much of the landscape of the block had changed; and yet, remained precisely the same.  I thought about all the people who had come and gone.  My entire life had unfolded here; in one way or another.  I learned how to ride a bike at 4 years old right on this very sidewalk under the watchful eye of my big cousin Jameel, aka Brice, as I like to call him.  I had my first fight in the Duncan's driveway-also under  Brice's watch!  I got hit by a car by the neighbor right in front of 126, and directed my first music video on the steps of 122.  I was sitting on the steps of 130 when I first realized I had a thing for Landon...and on the steps of 133 is where we fell in Love.  Richmond had taken things, like my innocence; but it had also given...far more than I could have ever imagined.  Gazing down towards the corner, I remembered running down the hill towards my uncle for a quarter to go to Mr. Wheton's store.  Depending on the time of day, I would find myself atop his shoulders; observing Richmond from, what was to me, a Giant's perspective.  I had departed from Richmond many times in my young life, only to return when I felt it calling my name.  At the moment, it was being called by Dean, sitting across the way, firmly planted on the Bando...

"AVRI JAMES!!!"  His voice ringing out, clear as a bell across the pavement.  "What?!"  I answered, almost indignantly.  He continued to shuffle about; preparing the Bando for his after hours spot.  This man had a whole Juke Joint neatly packed into a Bin and a single backpack.  "You hanging with tha niggas from the block tonight, or you being old and lame?!"  Dean asked, as he carefully placed two orange slices into each mixed drink from a gloved hand.  "Nah Homie, Ima sit this one out.  The Universe told me to steer clear of the Bullshit, and I think, just this once, Ima listen."  I yelled back.  "WHHATT?!  US?!!! BULLSHIT??!!😐 NEVER!!!"  He said in an amused tone.  I rolled my eyes and smiled.  "It's all about me, and Pride & Prejudice tonight...with a Landon in the mix after that.  Ya'll be easy, I'll catch ya'll some other night."  It felt disingenuous to say; I somehow knew I wouldn't be.  I had outgrown any desire to insert myself in that scene ever again.  A few hours later, the Universe proved to me that it is Always King; and intuition never lies.  Over the smooth Jazz notes playing from Arixx, I could hear some type of commotion rising from the street below.  Through my window, I couldn't make out all of the players, but Titus and Wynter were definitely at its center.  In the blink of an eye, Titus had Wynter up off the ground by the neck; her feet dangling approximately 2 feet off of the ground.  Various by-standers were attempting to intervene, only adding to the chaos.  Dean's shiny, bald head glistened under the street light as he bobbed in and out of the turmoil.  I let out a deep sigh of relief as I watched the entire scene.  "Thank You Universe"  I said aloud; shaking my head in confirmation before returning to my book...

I kinda lost myself in the story, because the slight triple tap a my bedroom door surprised me.  It creeped open, revealing an exhilarated Landon in the crack.  If a chocolate man can appear flustered, then that would describe the look on his face.  "Yo!"  I said, smiling at the sight of him.  "What's the matter?!"  I asked.  "Do you know what's going on outside?!  It's like WWE in front the Bando right now!"  He said, eyes wide.  "Oh yeah, I know.😁  That's why I'm right here!"  I said with a giggle.  "This is all our fault, you know that right?  These new lil niggas don't know how to act.  We all left too soon; we didn't teach them shit.  Now it's too late.  We didn't even leave them with a style to run with! SMH.  They just out here doing whatever!"  I thought about that statement for a minute.  "You know what, you right; it is all Ya'll fault; they said you gotta train a child up in the way that he should go!"  He shook his head, as if to clear all the images from his mind, and made his way over to the bed.  After meticulously removing his shirt, folding it, placing it neatly atop my dresser, removing his watch and chain, he sat silently scrolling through his phone.  Moments later, a text notification flashed across my screen; it was from Landon.  My eyes quickly darted in his direction prior to looking at it; his eyes steadily fixed on his phone.  Upon opening the message, it revealed 2 photos.  One was of Turkey Chops fried and smothered in gravy, with baby red potatoes, steamed asparagus, and rosemary garlic bread.  There was also a cute little salad on the side.  His caption read, "See, I even thought about you, I KNOW you see that salad!"  I laughed out loud.  The second pic was of a Tuna sandwich with cheese on a round roll, with a bag of chips and an orange soda on the side.  "I need this for later, I'm tryna break day!"  I put the phone down, and Landon looked up, "Please and Thank You in advance."  He said, kissing me on the forehead as he made himself comfortable and grabbing the remote...

After the Turkey chops, with freshly made tuna chilling in the fridge, Landon and I were snuggled at the foot of my bed, lost in one of his shows.  Periodically, we would mute the TV; listening to the boisterous sounds of Richmond, trying to decipher the madness.  I drifted in and out of consciousness; nestled against Landon's chest.  I told you, the sound of his heartbeat is all it takes to put me under!  At some point, he must've wandered outside to check out the Fuckery, because I woke up to a phone call from Mel, and I was alone.  She happily chatted away, about this thing and that; catching me up on all I had missed over the past few days.  It was the same ol' same ol' with Drew, Sari was still simping, and Hope would be starting her job as a lifeguard tomorrow.  She swiftly moved from one encounter to the next, with me barely able to keep up in my groggy state.  Just then, Landon walked in, with a puzzled look on his face.  I mouthed, "It's Melanie", and he shook his head in acknowledgement.  I raised up slightly, so he could reclaim his position; putting me right back in his arms.  In those moments, Mel didn't have my full attention...Landon had begun scouring the internet; showing me memes of men waiting entire lifetimes for their girl to get off the phone so he can get some head.  I tried my hardest to keep my composure, but the one with the man laying on the kitchen island, all the way naked, as his girl paces back and forth having her conversation completely unphased was too much for me.  I busted into laughter.  The next thing I knew, my socks were being pulled off...and his hands; those utterly amazing hands slowly and carefully crept up my body, as his tongue followed...Sorry Mel, but it's about Landon and Jasmine right now...DND until tomorrow...


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