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I'm Here...

Let me just start by saying I LOVE BEING ME. I wake up elated. My life is pretty fabulous, but I go to pain-staking lengths on a daily basis to keep it that way. My name is Avri James. I'm 25 years old, single, successful, and relatively sane. I'm a Visual Merchandising Consultant for one of the fastest rising retail brands in the US. I like being there from the beginning. The success of the label feels personal. I love the people I'm surrounded by, and have a weakness for a well-made bag/shoe combination. I live by myself in a downtown apt. Just off of Queens St. Something about this place calls me. I think I must have been some type of wealthy well-to-do socialite in a past life. I don't consider myself special,  which is what all the front antics were about.  All of the above mentioned were choices. Decisions to do the latter. With that being said, do you know what that means? If this isn't the life you're living at this very moment,  you're choosing to live a sub-par existence.

If this is you, CEASE reading, immediately stop waisting your time. Nothing you find here will interest you.

As for the rest of us, back to making life mean something.

I guess I'm going through a mid-20s crisis or something,  because, all of a sudden, I no longer feel like I'm living this life.  I've become a full on spectator. Watching the entire thing from the front row. I mean, its a great show, terrific seats, don't get me wrong, but its mine. Mine to be Lived and Enjoyed. Just when you think you got your lil self together....♥AJ

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