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Basic Bitches, Ghost Stories, and an Evening of Quittage

So Jackson and Elise have come to the conclusion that ElleRiche needed a digital connection to it's fans. A place where they could come on a daily and experience all things ER. We already have the website, but it just wasn't capturing the Essence of a lifestyle, hence the newest component, interactive blogging and weekly podcasts.  We started ElleRiche from their living room couch and haven't looked back since.  I like to think of them as a Super-Computer, because their brains are perfectly synchronized. When the two of them get together,  magic happens.

So the brainchild for this week's show is to go check out these fools playing Quittage. You heard right. Brooms and all. The world needs to know this mess is going on.

I'm not ready for this filth.

What does one wear to an evening game of Quittage? I don't think I have anything that works with the broom.

JackEl know they wrong for this one. I think our efforts to thwart the Basic Bitch at all costs has gone to the extreme. I'm sure Basics ain't going no where near a Quittage game, let alone gonna sit thru a 15 min podcast about it.

But hey, who am I to judge. Whatever y'all feel like you gotta do to shake the title,  by all means...

So I was headed towards the waterfront on foot with no intentions of enjoying myself at this charade of a game. All of a sudden, I felt a drop on my cheek.  Great.  So I'm suppose to be akin to foolishness AND I'm suppose to get wet while doing it?


A carriage ride and a few ghost stories sound more interesting.  There's one about this old building on King Street I've been DYING to research.  I think there are some real Niggas out there can appreciate the heads up. Sorry BBs, but the intellectuals are taking the top spot this week.

Aww, better luck next time♥

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