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Where the Heart Is


I haven't been home in quite some time...whenever I feel like I'm disconnected, going back to Richmond is always the perfect reset.  It was time for our annual block party, and Landon was NOT about to miss it; I was actually looking forward to it.  I put that foolishness with Adonis behind me and just went on as if nothing happened.  What reason did I have to think that they would ever REALLY talk?! I kept that in my mind, almost completely convinced.  Now that were back on track to being Avri and Landon again, we were seeing a lot more of each other; making it completely possible that the two could cross paths.  A weekend at home was just what we needed; some place familiar where we could just relax, reconnect, and just be US for a change.

We decided to drive home.  It was going to be just the two of us for the next two hours-now was as good a time as any to talk to him about the events of the last couple of weeks.  No Secrets-living my truth with Landon HAD to be my priority.  We weren't like everybody else; we couldn't have anything between us.  I wasn't even nervous; I was ready to be in the full ease of telling him whatever is on my mind.  Katrina was perched on my bed, chatting away about her weekend plans.  She was actually heading to Darrien's to meet his family for the first time.  She was stoked, and it was nice to see her so happy.  It was great for us to both be in great places at the same time!  I glanced over at the clock; 45 minutes and counting...

Before I knew it, my phone was ringing, Landon was downstairs.  Katrina and I said our goodbyes; making a pact to see each other 1st thing when we got back-not making any promises to call over the weekend.  Landon watched as I slid into the seat next to him; he smiled, and we were officially in our bubble.  We talked for a while, about everything, and nothing at all.  I had almost forgotten about Adonis and the entire situation, that is, until Landon mentioned him.  Whelp, I guess now I as good a time as any to tell him the latest..."so, have you spoken to your boyfriend recently?!  Did you let him know WE were going home this weekend?!"  I glanced over at him, rolled my eyes, and jumped right in, head first.  "Soo...funny you should mention that; it would seem that he's actually more interested in speaking to you right now..."

I really cannot tell you what the look on his face said, something between total amusement and "don't play with me Avri!"  "Why TF would he want to talk to me?!"  Landon asked.  So I told him the gist of the conversation and he sat, listening intently; I finished and finally turned to see his face a-nd await his response.  "The only thing problematic about that conversation is the fact that he's not going to get what he is looking for.  You and I are inevitable-there will ALWAYS be an US.  I was here before and after him, shit, even DURING him.  I will NEVER let you go.  I know you, so I know you told him pretty much the same thing; why would he still want to talk to me?!"  great question.  "Your guess is as good as mine; no one really understands us, they always think they know more about us than we do.  Everything about us is based on how we FEEL; not what we THINK."  He was quiet for the next few minutes, but I didn't mind.  I knew he was somewhere in his head, thinking about what I just said.  He finally spoke.  "You're absolutely right.  If he wants to talk, I'm with it.  If what he needs is to hear it from me, then ok...but there's no guarantee he's gonna want to be your friend after that conversation takes place..."  I understood that perfectly.  As a matter of fact, I had been preparing myself for that very thing for the past few weeks...

There really wasn't any expectations for returning to Richmond, I was just excited to be around the familiar again.    I had just 48 hours to get it all in and I couldn't wait to get started.  I woke up early that morning READY!  I called Melanie, and we hit the streets.  We took our time catching up, chatting, and running around the city.  We ended up arriving back on Richmond after the block party had already started.  Landon was already there, fully engaged.  It took a little while before I was fully present.  I was honestly a little nervous; this was precisely the type of situation that added unnecessary pressure to the "Landri" bubble.  It was all for nothing; the Universe immediately responded, and, in true Landri fashion, everything else disappeared.  No matter where we were, we were together.  It seemed like we could find each other at any given moment amidst a sea of individuals.  We were FINALLY back in sync.  Sitting on my steps, I took it all in as I watched the sun rise over the city.  It was the perfect end to a great night-and yet, it felt more like a beginning...I felt like I was about to go someplace I had never been before-and I was excited...




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