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"...I DO think, a man can Love one Woman, All of His Life, and be made the Better for it."

                                                      The Man In the Iron Mask

I sat in my backyard; still; just reflecting...All in All, the Universe has been doing me right.  I'm happy everyday.  In the famous words of my girl Charlotte York, "Not all day everyday, but Everyday."  Sure, shit still happens, I'm just at Peace.  When uncomfortable things happen, I move through them with more grace and understanding.  Don't get it twisted, I still don't know what TF I'm doing😂  I just made the decision to Go with the flow, as opposed to moving against it.  Sitting here, in the sunlight, I was having a moment of pure gratitude; for all that is, and will be.  The Crystal Flame was right in the middle of it's busiest season, so the citizens of Jensen City and the tri-state area were currently bumb-rushing us like they had never seen candles before😖  I had to fight to have my 1 day off per week, and I was SAVAGE in standing my ground.  I don't mind staying busy-I Love Busy-but in all things, there has to be balance.  I was immersed in absolutely NOTHING, which felt amazing.  After a while, I decided to gain some headway on the book I started weeks ago; managing only to make it to page seven.  I let out a long, soul satisfying sigh before making my way over to the table where my book lay.   As I reached for it, my phone rang; it was Landon.  I was already smiling before hearing his voice...

"Hello?!"  "Lightskin!"  Landon said; his voice filled with a mix of Happiness, Flirtation, Confidence, and just a touch smart ass.  He was in a great mood😁  "What up doe?!  What you up to?"  I asked.  "Just driving right now, on my way to the store.  You  were on my mind, so I wanted to hear your voice."  I felt a warm blush.  No matter how much time passes, it still feels like magic when he says things like that.  Landon is not unnecessarily sentimental, and rarely has time to be sweet...he forgets women like those types of things from time to time.😂💕  "I know how you are about your day off, but I wanted to make a small request if that's OK" Landon said.  "My curiosity is peaked," I said slyly, "Proceed."  "I was wondering if I could request your presence in my bed tonight.  I'm not closing the store until around 11 or so, but after.  That is, unless you're busy..."  He said in the most nonchalant IDGAF type of way.  I rolled my eyes and smiled to myself before responding.  "Wellll, for you, AND the guarantee that Jasmine is going to be taken care of by THE expert, Hell Yeah I'm there!"😎  Although his response was totally calm, I could hear the smile all in his voice.  "Aight cool.  Meet me at the store later, we got some shit in that I know you will love."  "I see how you just finagled me out some more of my me time, but I love how you threw in that part about having some shit I want to get me there👀  Just know I'm not leaving empty-handed!"  I said.  "Of course you not..."

Yo I really been ducked off lately, and completely disconnected from Richmond life.  The "content"  was getting tedious, redundant, and down right ignorant...and so, I simply unsubscribed.  It wasn't until I decided to take out my recycling that I fell victim to a twenty minute spiel about his latest scam-I mean business ventures.  "Ok Avri, so's gonna be a watch.  It sends an electrical current that will shock you every time you are stressed; giving you a healthy way to identify your triggers!"  He said, like he had just invented the wheel.  "So wait a minute, let me get this straight, you want me to PAY for PTSD?!  Because that is surely the only that a watch that is going to tase me at the first sign of stress is going to provide!  You do realize that device would short circuit after me wearing it for 2 hours at the Crystal Flame!"  He thought for a moment, formulating hos rebuttal..."Aight, you right.  Maybe I don't need you to purchase one, but how would you feel about promoting the brand, and helping me spread the word?!"  "Like I feel about anything else that sound like a job, how much does it pay?!"  I asked.  "Oh we are a small startup, all participation is on a voluntary basis at the moment."  Dean said brightly.  "Oh, well like a liar then!"  I said flatly.  "Boy Bye!  Please go peddle that B.S. to the Clear community, we don't want any!"  We both burst into laughter.  Before parting ways, we stood around, shooting the shit about Richmond politics for a few more minutes.  I was even able to get the Tea on Gigi, Mami from the Bodega on the corner who up and quit on her brother after working there for over 15 years.  Hey, I guess it's never too late to teach MFs how you want to be treated...

After a pedicure, nap, and a long, hot bath, I notice the time, and started getting my life to meet Landon at the store.   Suddenly, I felt my stomach drop...WTF?!  As I searched my brain in confusion for the source of it, a dim light lit a dusty ass corner at the back of my mind-Spencer!  I had completely forgotten about that treasonous ass Video call I walked in on between him and Dino.  My stomach dropped because, if I had forgotten about it, then that means that I never mentioned it to Landon...Aight, so what.  It's no time like the present to rectify my oversight.  I've learned from past mis-steps, I was telling him as soon as I got there.  As I walked in the store, I found Landon seated at the front counter, deeply engaged in what appeared to be a heated debate with a local, but I could tell from his voice he was with the shits...engaging for pure entertainment purposes only😏  "Oh boy Black, stop the cap!  You puttin 20 on 10 now!  I let you play in my face for the last fifteen minutes!  I'm over it now, my baby is here.  Is you buying something, or WHAT?  And whatever it is, you BETTA be able to pay for it!  I'm running a business here!"  Landon said; with a quick glance and wink in my direction.  After another minute or two of banter, Landon came from behind the counter to embrace me in a hug; lightly kissing me on the forehead.  "I've been think about this big ass head ALL day!"  He said, half-sarcastically.  "The lies you tell!  I haven't spoken to you since this morning.  People make time for the things they care about!"  I said, rolling my eyes.  "Don't do that, you know I be working.  Why do you think I told you to come here?  I honestly missed your face!"  He said, trying to be as earnest as he could while fighting a smile.  "I know.  I'm just being difficult because it's fun.  I missed you too..."

We walked to the back to see the new inventory.  While hanging my coat on the door, my sub-conscious reminded me about Spencer.  I took a deep breath; Fuck it, 'I'm goin in!'  So the other day when Dino brought over the pastries, I walked in on a very precarious video call..."  I began.  "Dino?!  Video Call?!  Oh this shit bout to be wild, hold on, Ima go up front and ring Black up, and I'll be right back!"  Landon disappeared through the open door.  I must've zoned out, because before I knew it, he was back, eagerly waiting on me to spill.  "What was I saying?  Oh yeah, Dino, and a sketch video chat."  "Why you calling it sketch?"  "Because of who he was talking to-it was Spencer..."  I am usually spot on when it comes to Landon's unspoken feelings, but this time, I couldn't tell.  I had no idea what he was feeling, or what he was thinking.  Did he want to know what he said?  Did it bother him?  I anxiously awaited his response.  There was just no way to tell until he said something.  "What did he say?!" Landon said in an even, yet serious tone.  "That he would be home soon, and that he wants to open a club when he does..."  My voice trailed off.  "What did he say to you Avri; what did he say about you..."  

OMG this Man!!  One of the things I both hate and love about this man is his capacity for knowing me.  He already knew.  "Honestly, the only thing he said specifically to me was that he had been thinking of me, and looked forward to seeing me."  I said dryly.  "That was enough.  That was definitely a fuckin nuff!"  he said.  It must've been written on my face because just then Landon looked at me, and his entire demeanor changed.  His look softened, "Relax Avri."  He said, pulling me onto his lap.  "You're all flustered for no reason.  I'm not upset...Not with you, or the situation.  I figured out how Spencer felt about you a long time ago, way before we ever talked about it.  He got his Karma-and quick too!  I'm in a different, better space now, and so are you.  Besides, just think, there's no better way for a MFer to see that all that sneaky shit you did was for nothing because not only are we still Landon and Avri, we're stronger than ever.  Plus, I think you're forgetting the biggest, most important difference from then to now..."  He stopped, a mysterious look on his face..."What?!"  I said, with a look of confusion.  He gently pulled my hair back, revealing the LSM tattoo behind my ear.  "This time, you belong to me, it says so right here," as his fingers traced the letters.  I had never felt safer... "That's always been there;" I said softly, "even when it wasn't visible"... 


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