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Melanie and Drew


Sitting on Mel's balcony, we watched the moon rise over the city.  By 9pm, the moon would be full and high on the opposite side of the sky.  We had been sitting in silent reverence at the moon's emergence. 
After saging, bubble tea, and some much-needed general foolishness, Mel was finally in better spirits.   My attention was turned from above to Mel seated peacefully beside me, but she was looking straight at me, as if in anticipation of saying SOMETHING.  "What?" I asked incredulously.  "Oh nothing; I was just wondering how long I was going to have to wait before you open that text from Adonis you got like 20 minutes ago!"  I should have known the question was coming; I had managed to keep her occupied thus far by focusing on her and Drew.  I let out a deep sigh.  "Fuck it, I guess now is as good a time as any..."  I told her about today's earlier encounter with him, and she beamed with pride; just as if she were the one who had spoken the words.  I picked up the phone, and read the text aloud: "I want you to know I HEARD you; every word that was said; but I want to say this; and I need for you to hear ME, and accept it.  Landon will NEVER choose you; men like that NEVER do; his Ego won't allow it.    He is comfortable with the feeling of not having you because he has known it for SO LONG; it became normal for him.  When you get accustomed to not having something, you just learn to do without, convincing yourself that you never needed it in the 1st place. He will NEVER get over himself.  If you can accept the fact that it will NEVER be you, then I can accept US as we are, and your true feelings."   "Wait a minute, so you decide to not play games with this man's emotions, and he responds like THAT?!  Wtf is going on, why are all these male feelings spilling out into the air all of a sudden?!  If you could just put a little bit of whatever you got in a jar for me so I can use it on the next nigga!"  screamed Mel.  I shrugged.  Every man I came in contact with for the past 6 months has been deeper in his feelings than ANY man I have ever known.  Maybe it was an epidemic…I had no reaction to the text; I had already accepted those things as fact long before I sat with him in the coffee shop today.  "Aight, so what's up with you and Landon then?!"  I put my phone back in my pocket.  As I sat back down, I smoothed the ridges that had formed in my jeans from sitting in one spot too long.  "Nothing.  There is no Me and Landon."  Even though her eyes were filled with questions, she simply said, "Ok...I'm sad, but I understand."  We silently eased back into watching the moon ascend over Richmond...

In order for you to fully understand what was going on inside Melanie, you first need to know their story...They are the first true example of the Twin Flame connection that I ever came in contact with.  They were as close to me as Landon and I.  Melanie and Drew were a part of Richmond that will forever live in Infamy.   Melanie was my God sister, and the 1st time I realized your closest family isn't necessarily the one you are born into.  I Love her, unconditionally; and she can do NO wrong in my eyes in front of other people(Don't let that RNS go over ya head!).  If that's how she say she feels, then I know it's the gospel truth.  There had been others, but Drew just stayed in the picture; not necessarily the full focus, but ALWAYS somewhere in the background.  Slowly but surely, it became apparent that these 2 were a force we would be dealing with for years to come...

I can't tell you exactly WHEN it happened because, for the longest time, I just thought it was a phase.  I thought it was one of those childhood crushes that would fade over time, once she got whatever it was out of her system.  It wasn't until I started dealing with Landon that I realized what was really going on...I never really paid Drew much attention.  He was younger than me, and ran around with my younger cousin and his crew-so he wasn't someone I knew on that level.  Any of my cousin's lil friends were all knuckleheads to me, so I had no real clue what they were like as young men.  Melanie was her determined, love-harder-than-life self when it came to him; TOTALLY convinced that this was ABSOLUTELY the last man she would ever love.  At the time, I thought that was ridiculous; I knew nothing of Twin Flames-I mean, how could you even KNOW that at that age?!  Well, neither did Mel for that matter.  She just had a KNOWING; from the inside out that told her this was SOOO special; that it was worth fighting for every single day...And she Damn sure DID; in EVERY way possible...physically, emotionally, mentally, SPIRITUALLY.  We were so young then; I hadn't loved like that yet-there was no Landon then...

She had known since we were kids, and they first laid eyes on each other.  There were several different occasions throughout the years when Drew and his family lived on Richmond.  One time in particular, when she was about 7 years old, she and her cousin Erin were sitting on her porch, and saw Drew ride by on a bike with no was Love at first sight.  "That's my boyfriend!"  Erin screamed as both girls watched in amazement.  Mel replied, "No it's not, that's MY boyfriend, and I'll fight you if you EVER say that again!"  It would be the 1st and ONLY time Erin uttered those words.  She had spoken something over their lives that day that would last forever...

Years later, as teenagers, their journey together officially began.  The emotions on both sides were sooo intense that for the longest time, they took turns doing shit to purposefully hurt one another as much as possible.  Not realizing that the inner resistance they felt was meant to draw them into one another, and deal with ANYTHING that had the potential to keep them apart.  Their respective weapons of choice when fighting this battle was ALWAYS a new significant other; or at least a fling.  Those years passed by in a whirlwind fashion; with each directing their pain at the other.  They played many of these situations close to home to ensure the other could FEEL, if not SEE, what was going on.  It was volatile, extremely intense, and VERY emotional back then; all held together by a power that neither of them were mature enough to understand.  There was even a point in time, after Hope was born, when Mel finally conceited to the fact that it was something more than holding them together than sheer WILL...Melanie wanted answers, and so, she visited a Spiritual Healer.  She wanted to request to bind her feelings for Drew; ridding herself of him once and for all.  She was shut ALL the way down; and yet, for the very first time, was able to understand what was happening to her.  The healer explained a Soul Tie; an unbreakable bond because it is YOU.  The energy you feel is your soul identifying with it's other half.  It was BEYOND the human, physical experience of Love.  I causes tremendous pain and conflict within yourself when you fight against it.  Duh.  Your Ego has SOME nerve thinking it can deny the Soul's desires...

She walked out of that session brand new;  what she felt inside WAS real; and she was NOT insane!  It actually gave her the real closure she needed to move past that tornado of emotions she was constantly wrapped up in when it came to Drew, and commit herself to someone she felt deserved, and had earned her devotion.  Knowing that there was nothing she could do to change her heart provided the solace she had been seeking.  She was now ready to give a different type of life a real shot, and leave Drew to continue to inflict pain on himself alone in peace.  After all, SHE was no longer the one in denial; owning their truth was all the power necessary for change...         


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